Friday, 25 June 2021

Nintendo games

 Today we were lucky enough to be invited to use the Nintendo Switch consoles by the teachers from DNA Just a fun lunchtime learning to play some games while playing with friends.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Tuakana teina

 Part of the ICT Leader's role at St Mary's is to teach the younger students. Today they were teaching Kahikatea students how to use Scratch Jnr to tell a story. They did a great job and the short stories the younger students created were really good for the short amount of time they spent developing them. 

Annabelle demonstrating Scratch Jnr. 

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Upgrading our music site.

 With the Old Google Sites being phased out later this year we took on the tasks of making a new site to have all our school music in one spot. We have learned a lot of skills along the way and are now experts in using Google sites. 

Old Google Sites

New Google Sites